By Ripon Media in College Days on May 17, 2019
Reflections on memories, professors, and treasured moments
By Stefani Zeiger
Emma Hall

Hall presents at the Senior Symposium. Photo credit: Emma Hall.
What was your favorite part of being at Ripon?
“My favorite part about attending Ripon College was getting to experience a new place and meeting so many different, awesome people.”
Who was your most influential professor?
“Mark Kainz. Not only did he advise me, but I knew his office was always open to me to discuss and work through anything, school related or my personal life.”
What will you miss most about Ripon?
“I’ll miss sitting outside and enjoying the nice weather with my friends. I feel so lucky to have gotten to live on such a beautiful campus.”
Wyatt McGillen

McGillen Speaks at Matriculation Convocation. Photo credit: Wyatt McGillen.
What was your favorite part of being at Ripon?
“My favorite part about being at Ripon has been the opportunity to be involved. While here I have been involved in numerous organizations and they have allowed me to meet new people, travel the nation and try new things.”
Who was your most influential professor?
“My most influential professor has been Lindsay Blumer. Lindsay has acted as my Ethics Bowl coach, professor and career mentor in my time at Ripon. She has inspired me to strive to make a difference in whatever I do and has been a role model in my four years here.”
What will you miss most about Ripon?
“I will miss spending time with my fraternity brothers the most after I leave here. Whenever I am bored I always have a group of men that are there to hang out or support me. Theta Chi has provided me with a fantastic group of friends and I will miss having them live within shouting distance.”
Cassidy Blaney

Blaney with fellow seniors Brooke Albrecht, Olivia Heck, Stacie Klika, and Emmi Nievinski at Springfest their freshman year. Photo credit: Cassidy Blaney
What was your favorite part of being at Ripon?
“My favorite part about Ripon was being able to play my favorite sport [soccer] while still being academically challenged at the same time. Being a student athlete gave me the opportunity to explore more about myself than I ever thought possible. On top of that, I met the most amazing people here and I will forever cherish Ripon for blessing me with my best friends. I also liked the scalloped potatoes.”
Who was your most influential professor?
“My most influential professor would be Dr. Hatcher. He inspired me to look at life differently and to always have an open mind about things, especially if I didn’t necessarily like them. He also pushed me to face my fears and present to a big group of students about something I was passionate about. Although I did not like the idea of it at first, I was so glad I did it afterwards. He gave me an opportunity that helped me prove to myself that I can conquer my anxieties, and because of that I will forever be grateful.”
What will you miss most about Ripon?
“There is not just one thing I will miss about Ripon. I could probably go on and on about how special this school is. The small class sizes, the relationships that were built with professors and the community feel as a whole are some of the best qualities of Ripon. I became the best version of myself here, which makes it so bittersweet to move on.”
Jairo Javier

Javier meeting his social justice hero Dolores Huerta at the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute with La Unida. Photo credit Jairo Javier.
What was your favorite part of being at Ripon?
“My favorite part of Ripon was growing La Unida to become a strong voice on campus. I genuinely enjoyed everything I did with the organization and the three executive boards I got to interact with. Most of that enjoyment came from providing the campus community some student flare, cultural flavors, and demonstrating the leadership within the student body. Working with what I learned in class and bringing together many groups to host an event was a goal and I did my best to execute.”
Who was your most influential professor?
“Professor Frohardt-Lane was the reason I became more outspoken and willing to be more active in the classroom after I took my First-Year-Seminar with her. It was the very first college class I had taken, since as first years we went to the first FYS class the Sunday before the first day of classes. Professor Clark and Professor Eaton were also my social justice influencers, demonstrated by what I did with La Unida this year. Our altars, butterflies, and meeting topics were fueled by personal passion and the knowledge and drive I received from both of them. The new Sustainability Director, Dr. Alice Reznickova is my most recent influencer. I look up to how much knowledge she has and how she brings it to the classroom. She’s been called a “social justice warrior” because in everything she says and does, she reminds us of the impacts held elsewhere. She has done a tremendous amount of work and has not completed a full year here yet. That is the level I wish to get to in my future, have a mount full of impact to a community and get many wheels turning through multiple departments.”
What will you miss most about Ripon?
“I will miss the student environment and the atmosphere of being in college in general. It is a fascinating and mesmerizing experience being in between worlds of academia and self exploration. I will miss the midnight runs with friends for breakfast, the fun and stress of running campus events with the Diversity Coalition and ResLife, and the thrilling debates and jokes in class.”
Coral Eakins

Eakins on her first day of senior year posing with the Ripon College sign. Photo credit Coral Eakins.
What was your favorite part of being at Ripon?
“My favorite part about Ripon is the amazing community that it fosters between faculty and students.”
Who was your most influential professor?
“I would have to say Jody Roy. She pushed me because she knew I was capable to do great things.”
What will you miss most about Ripon?
“I will definitely miss all of my sisters in ADPi and my friends who stuck with me through all the ups and downs.”