By Eduardo Zermeno in Campus News, College Days, Student Life on May 11, 2024
Carter Vaughan, junior, Dorian Phillips, sophomore, and Christian Hernandez, freshman, have just been elected to key roles and they are excited to make an impact
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) on campus recently held an election for several executive positions. IFC ensures a smooth relationship between the fraternities on campus, enforces the bylaws, and also addresses different situations with punishments accordingly.
Carter Vaughan, a brother of Phi Delta Theta and the fraternity’s secretary, was elected vice president of IFC. He explained that he wishes to be a fair arbiter and enforcer of the rules for Ripon College’s fraternities.
“At my core, I am a person who likes to see all sides to a story. I like to think that in any interaction, everyone has a story, and everyone has a story that should be heard,” Vaughan said.

Carter Vaughan, junior, poses for a headshot. Photo
Courtesy of Carter Vaughan.
He added that participating in college athletics has influenced his decision to run for this position on the council.
“I have three years of playing on the football team. This past year I earned the starting spot at cornerback. From that, a lot of freshmen and new players looked to me for help learning the defensive schemes and how the program worked. Both these experiences have helped me grow as a person with my ability to problem solve and work with a larger group of people for one common goal,” Vaughan said.
Vaughan is excited to make a positive change in how the fraternities behave with each other and how different incidents can be treated fairly and respectably.
“Ultimately, I have had a great experience with my time participating in Greek life and I would love to help it grow and flourish on this campus,” Vaughan said.
Dorian Phillips is also a brother of Phi Delta Theta who has been in charge of the fraternity’s social media for the past year. He was elected to the position of public relations officer on IFC. He has accumulated a following on his fraternity’s social media and believes he can create a positive image for all fraternities on campus through the IFC social media page.
“I try to appeal to a variety of audience members, which helps attract more people to interact with the page,” Phillips said.
Phillips stated he wanted the position because he feels that there needs to be a stronger fraternity presence on campus.
“I’d like to post more consistently as I noticed there were large gaps between posts. I’d also like to make stories more interactive for the campus and others,” Phillips said.

Dorian Phillips makes a “double thumbs up” sign. Photo Courtesy of Dorian Phillips.
Phillips also said he would like to implement a strategy that his fraternity has used to gain attention since he became the social media chair of Phi Delta Theta.
“To liven up the IFC social media, I would create ‘Almost Friday’ posts, where each fraternity submits a couple of photos each week. This way, the people on social media can be up to date with the activities going on campus,” Phillips said.
There was also a new appointment for treasurer to IFC, and Christian Hernandez has filled that role. He is a new Sigma Chi brother and a freshman on the men’s soccer team.
“In my senior year of high school, I was the treasurer for the National Honor Society and class president. I have gained a lot of experience from these two titles and feel that being treasurer on IFC would fit me,” Hernandez said.
Hernandez even runs his business when he is back at home which has given him experience in dealing with finance.
“I run my own mowing business back home where I handle all the money made. I have to learn to allocate it correctly to make sure I can cover my expenses and still make a profit,” said Hernandez.
Vaughan, Phillips, and Hernandez said they are excited about their new positions and hope to amp up fraternity interaction and implement their strategies to make IFC more cohesive and present on campus.