Author: Mandy Barlow

CCF students spend their spring break abroad

Ripon College’s Campus Christian Fellowship takes a group of students to Valencia, Spain During spring break 2023, 15 students traveled to Valencia, Spain via Ripon College’s Campus Christian Fellowship (CCF), […]

Posted by Mandy Barlow in College Days, Feature Story.

High temperatures ignite student frustration with on-campus living conditions

Students express their discontent with uncomfortable temperatures in Scott Hall and the lack of administrative action As spring temperatures climb, Scott Hall residents at Ripon College are observing uncomfortably hot […]

Posted by Mandy Barlow in Campus News, College Days.

Hannah Brockman undergoes a unique educational experience studying abroad in France

Brockman shares insights into the differences between the French and American educational systems from her semester abroad In the fall of 2022, Ripon College junior Hannah Brockman embarked on a […]

Posted by Mandy Barlow in College Days, Feature Story.

Ripon College announces $35 million strategic infrastructure plan

Significant structural changes on the Ripon College campus will break ground in 2023 Ripon College will see several big and long-awaited structural changes in the next few years In light […]

Posted by Mandy Barlow in Campus News, College Days, Student Life.

Hannah Brockman is heading to France

Ripon College student will study abroad in Montpellier, France in the fall semester Hannah Brockman, a second-year student at Ripon College, once feared that the opportunity to study abroad in […]

Posted by Mandy Barlow in College Days, Feature Story.

Property damage in Scott Hall could lead to extra charges for all residents

Over ten exit signs have been damaged or stolen in Scott Hall since students have returned  Several exit signs in Scott Hall have been subject to property damage and theft […]

Posted by Mandy Barlow in Campus News, College Days.